Saturday, June 25, 2011

Living in Austin--what we do for fun, pt.1

So, what do you do when you're in Austin? For most people there is one answer: drink. Alcohol, that is. This place is really into partying. The main party area is Sixth St. which is in the middle of downtown. Sixth St. is lined with bars and clubs. And every bar has live music; Austin being the "Live Music Capitol of the World" and all. If you want to hear music, you'll have to be around a lot of drinking. Bummer if you're a recovering alcoholic or Mormon. You get pretty used to it, though.

I took Ada to a party at one of those big bowling-minigolf-arcade places that are so popular for kids' parties. When I picked Ada up, the mom of the birthday girl was too busy playing Dance Dance Revolution--barefoot, holding a beer--to notice that I was leaving with my child. Super. Call me extreme but I think that might not be the right circumstance for alcohol consumption, no matter how fed up you might be with noisy, spazzed-out children.

Most times when I drop a child off at a friend's house, the parent will invite me in for a beer or a glass of wine. It always seems hospitable but strange. Every home party features drinks too (Pampered Chef, Tupperware, you name it). But you don't need a reason! Lots of people pull chairs out into the driveway and drink all evening, chatting up the neighbors. Austin is pretty much party-central.

But back to the music. There is so much of it everywhere! Every little restaurant has a band show up. There are music festivals all the time. Not just the biggies like Austin City Limits or SXSW. There are blues festivals (there is a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn here, for Pete's sake), bluegress festivals, and loads of Country music too. If you want to hear music, you have a huge assortment every night of the week.

It's basically a city with permanently relaxed, fun vibe.


  1. I think Utah, Idaho, and Arizona are the only places that don't "do" alcohol the way Austin does. From my experience. (I guess Portland you're may get offered marijuana though...)

  2. No Kidding? Then how come you haven't taken me bar/music hopping, then? I feel cheated!

  3. Um, ya, drinking at a child's birthday party is just not right, especially if you're the parent in charge.
